Commitment is hard.
It can be hard to keep our commitments with new, shinier things shown on the internet daily and our world being connected more than ever before.
Some commitments are short, like a weekend trip or date to a dance.
Some commitments are longer, like to a sports team, an offseason workout program, or to your career goals.
Other commitments are longer, like committing to a lifetime of loving a spouse or being elected to the board of an organization.
Commitments, whether short-lived or for a lifetime, are important to keep. And it is also important to give each one your best effort.
Types of Commitments
There are two types of commitments. First are those that are internal and can affect only the person making the commitment. Second are those that are external and affect other people as well.
External Commitments
External commitments are important to keep because other people are relying on that commitment. If we don’t show up as a teammate, our team won’t be able to function at its best. If someone on the board of an organization fails to show up, important details might fall through the cracks that negatively affect the organization and the people in it.
Our commitment solidifies us as a piece of that puzzle that requires us to be present and engaged to what we committed to. Also staying dedicated honors those people around us.
Internal Commitments
Internal commitments are important to keep because other people aren’t always reliable so each person should be able to count on themselves. The mind is a powerful tool that can help or hurt depending on how we use it.
Each time we fail to follow through on a commitment to ourselves, we are telling ourselves that isn’t important. We can elevate our lives by staying dedicated, and by not committing to things we can’t give our full effort.
Commitment is hard, so be careful what you commit yourself to and when you commit, commit one hundred percent.
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