These past two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, emotion, stress, dejection and hope. When the Houston area was hit by Hurricane Harvey a little over a week ago, it left many without power, transportation, and ruined homes along with everything in them. The images of the devastation have been heartbreaking to see. However, the response by neighbors, strangers, communities, and churches has been a bright light in the darkness.
At DST, we were mostly unaffected by the Hurricane. A couple of lost possessions and an evacuation were the extent of the toll on our DST family. Our good fortune gave us the opportunity to help those who were not so fortunate. This was the main reason we were closed all of last week – we were out in our communities helping those affected. At the end of the day, there are much greater things in life than sports and training. We should always strive to keep this perspective. The hurricane is over, but the storm is hardly gone as many are still in desperate need. While we have returned to work, our work in this city is far from over.
As Christians, we know that we are called to first love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and secondly to love others as we love ourselves. Jesus made it very clear that the second of those commandments is like the first, in that loving others is akin to loving God (Matthew 22). In 1 John 3:18, John tells the church that we should not love with mere words, but with action. That is what I, and DST, plan to do. If we, as believers, expect Jesus to work in this darkness, then we must be ready to do his work, as we are members of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12). If God is to go to work, one of us will be holding a hammer. Let’s let God use us in this.
In his letter to the Romans, Paul clearly states that our true act of worship to God is to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. It’s time to offer ourselves, sacrificing personal comfort and gain for the good of others. Why should we do this? Not simply because we should, but in response to God’s mercy on us. The actions from DST will be not be of self-service, but a response to God, intended to do nothing more than to show love for others and love for God.
We are excited to have resumed normal training and to continue serving the needs of others as the DST family. Please let us know if you or someone you know is in need as a result of this storm. We are also looking for any way to contribute as a company, so if you would like to work with us, please email me at
As I’ve stated several times, there is still currently a ton of need out there. With many organizations doing great work, there is a lot of opportunity to give. One close to me is my home church at Bayou City Fellowship. I’ve been witnessing first hand the great work of the church through this entire process. I know 100% of the donations are going straight to victims in need, and not one cent is going toward funding the church. If you would like to give to a group that is daily helping those in need, I would encourage you to go to and give to the Harvey relief fund.
We will be announcing several ways that we, and the rest of the DST family, can provide support and aid to those affected by Harvey, so be on the lookout for a series of announcements on ways you can get involved.
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