Posterior chain is the topic of the month. Today we are talking about the Single Leg RDL (Romanian Deadlift). This is a fantastic uni-lateral exercise. It allows us to build single leg strength, stability of the knee, as well as see any asymmetries from left to right sides. We tend to be dominant on one side so this allows us to attack these dysfunctions.
When doing an RDL:
- Make sure the foot is flat on the ground with the dumbbell in the opposite hand
- Make sure we have a firm front side with a slight bend in the front knee
- Keep the back leg straight and your hip does not open up
- Our neck is in a neutral position at all times
- This movement is a hinge movement not a bend – we move like a teeter-totter – the chest and foot move together while the core remains tight
- Be emphatic on the concentric portion of the movement
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